· 2 min read

Now a MCP

I passed my first Microsoft Exam, on Friday. I’ve been working with computers since I was 13+ (I’m 30 now). As I worked in a single company for 9+ years, applying for a Microsoft exam never seem to happen. I think it was a combination of me not wanting to fail and the company I worked for not pushing me and others hard enough, no encouragement, no offers of paying for training courses or books.

The other underlying fact, which I still believe is the case today, is there are allot of people out there who can study then sit and exam pass and think they can do the job, I know this not to be the case. I really would like Microsoft to have some exams where you had to prove that you have been working in the IT world of at least 2 years, therefore it would show some real world experience.

The exam itself was 42 questions, which took me approx 50mins to do, I spent another 20 mins or so reviewing my questions, then I finished and I had pass, this wasn’t my first attempt, I tried last year and failed, the pass mark was the same then as it was on Friday, 700. Last year I scored 670 and on Friday I scored 752, both times I didn’t revise, so I’m quite happy with that.

This now means that my company (Total ICT Limited) is now a Microsoft Small Business Specialist, which proves to Small Businesses that we are selling to that we do know what we are doing. This was another major reason for taking the exam; I didn’t to enhance my companies reputation and credibility.

Lastly, sorry for not posting very often, I will try and get this nailed down.

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