· 1 min read

T-SQL Queries

I was trying to figure out how to get a T-SQL to allow a user to enter part of a name to query on, for example the user could enter ML, click a search button which would return all companies with the letters ML in.

I Googled this and looked on MSDN, to no avail, I knew I had achieve the desired result using access a while back, but I was pretty sure I didn’t have a company so I could check the syntax, then I recalled where a may have a copy which I did, I cracked it open and found the following:

SELECT IngramPriceList.* FROM IngramPriceList WHERE IMPartNumber Like ’*’+[?]+’*’ Or ManufacturersPartNumber Like ’*’+[?]+’*’ Or VendorName Like ’*’+[?]+’*‘;

After entering this syntax into Visual Studio 2005 Express, thinking it work it didn’t, so after reading the required syntax for LIKE in the SQL Express 2005, I came up with this working solution.

SELECT CustomerID, LoginName, [Company Name], StreetAddress, townName, countyName, postcode, ContractType, StartDate, FinishDate, Notes, Active

FROM Customers WHERE([Company Name] LIKE ’%’ + @SearchText + ’%‘)

Were as Access uses ’*’ SQL Server uses ’%’ instead…. Problem fixed. ?

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